Here are your Home Learning activities for today.
Our focus has shifted away from Cybersmart and we are now looking at the birds (or a bat) in the running for New Zealand's Bird of the Year.
What is your chosen bird (or bat)?
Here are your Home Learning activities for today.
Our focus has shifted away from Cybersmart and we are now looking at the birds (or a bat) in the running for New Zealand's Bird of the Year.
What is your chosen bird (or bat)?
Here are your Home Learning activities for today.
Our Cybersmart focus is Evaluating Media. How can you tell if something you see or read online is real or fake?
Here are your Home Learning activities for today.
Our Cybersmart focus is 'What is Media'.
Here are your Home Learning activities for today.
Our Cybersmart focus is sharing positively about ourselves on our blogs.
Here are your Home Learning Activities for Today.
Our Cybersmart focus is creating smart relationships by replying to comments on your blog!
Here are your Home Learning Activities for today.
Our Cybersmart focus is identifying what makes a quality blog post comment.
Fakaalofa atu - it's Niuean Langauge Week.
Using the slide below, learn about the Niuean language and culture, unique foods, tapa cloth, and a whole range of interesting facts.
Here are today's Home Learning activities.
With a focus on Cybersmart and all aspects of quality blogging, check out the different sites.
Don't forget to continue doing your daily tasks too!