Thursday 20 October 2022

Ōwairaka Park Orchard Visit

Earlier this week, Room 24 were invited along to Ōwairaka Park Orchard to visit the gardens, do some weeding, plant some seedlings and add some mulch to the freshly weeded garden beds, and cook some kai (Rhubarb ann apple) on the camp stoves. 

A variety of animal life was discovered (red centipedes, slaters (roly poly bugs as the children like to call them), enormous worms, stink bugs, and a skink).

Term 4 Week 1 'Caught Being Good'

 Congratulations to Sophia on receiving Room 24's 'Caught Being Good' certificate this week.

Sophia consistently shows manawanuitanga in her learning. 

Tino pai!

The One and Only Ivan Ponder 9