Thursday 25 July 2019

Chapter 1 Class Novel


  1. I think Kyle keely is really competitive and I think he and mike are the ones that always want to win.

  2. #1 It is teaching us that kyle really wants to win.

    #2 He fits in because he always loses to his brothers and his brother love to win

  3. I think he is very competitive and he likes to win and not lose. but his brothers just like to play the game for fun.

  4. I think that Kyle and his brother Mike all ways want to win the games because they are really competitive.

  5. because hes family was not happy with hem.

  6. i think Kyle is comptitive because his brothers are always`wining

  7. I think Kyle and Max like playing games together but Kyle like to win more than losing.

  8. I think Kyle is a challenging person also I think Kyle feels with his brothers really competitive because he is the youngest he can win in like luck games.

  9. kyle just want to win so he can win fair and squar

  10. I think Kyle is really getting competitive he and mike always want to win together

  11. Kyle really wants to win

    he really wants to win out of hes older brothers because he is the youngest and hes older brothers love to win.

  12. Kyle is super competitive and his two brothers are older and he is the youngest out of them. His brothers is one of those "I want to win people and I will do anything to win!" Also Kyle is like that. One of his brothers (I forgot the names) is like a popular student in his school also if there is a ball game, he is good (he is 17). His other brother is 15 and he also wants to win like the others.

    1. I forgot to say people after the talking mark things
      Pretend there was people there

  13. i think that kyle just like wining not losing even know he always lose

  14. I think kyle is a competitive person and he hates losing but but he never wins

  15. Kyle is really competitive.His older brother Were also competitive but this was the only time to beet them fear and Square in the board game.

  16. Kyle is really competitive and wants to win!
    Kyle thinks because the game is not based on strength he can win because it is based on luck! However he does not always win because his brothers are older and know more also they are stronger!

  17. Kyle is a super fast racer but he takes shortcuts and sometimes you might accidentally break something and why would Kyle kick the window to go in , he can just use the door.His big brother are older than him and smarter than him so they are responsible but Kyle is smaller than his brothers and loves winning everything.

  18. Kyle thinks that he needs to win. kyle is is streetwise and competitive...


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